Privacy Policy

Nalanda Publishing Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company")

The protection of personal information is fundamental to our business activities and is recognized as our social responsibility. The Company handles a diverse range of information, including information about our products and services, as well as personal information provided by customers. In order to ensure the protection of personal information, the Company has established regulations related to personal information protection, implemented a management system, and formulated the following privacy policy. We ensure that our officers and employees are aware of and adhere to this policy and strive to appropriately use, manage, and protect personal information in accordance with this policy.

  1. Collection, Use, and Provision of Personal Information The Company, in conducting its business activities, establishes an information management system to protect the valuable information provided by customers. Personal information is collected, used, and provided in accordance with prescribed regulations, taking into account the nature of each business.

  2. Compliance with Laws The Company complies with laws regarding the handling of personal information.

  3. Security Measures To protect personal information, the Company implements measures based on information security regulations. These measures include the management of personal information, designation of methods for taking personal information out, and prevention of unauthorized access from third parties, with the aim of preventing leakage, loss, tampering, destruction, etc., of personal information.

  4. Requests from Individuals The Company responds sincerely to requests from individuals regarding the disclosure, correction, deletion, use, or provision of their personal information.

  5. Personal Information Management Regulations The Company promotes the understanding of the importance and necessity of protecting personal information among its officers and employees. To ensure the appropriate management of personal information, the Company has established personal information management regulations and adheres to them.

Purposes of Use of Personal Information

The Company will use the personal information provided in the course of business activities for the following purposes:

  1. Regarding Customer Personal Information

    • For providing information about our products and services

    • For responding to inquiries about our products and services

    • For performing transactional activities such as after-sales service related to our products and services

    • For verifying the identity of the individuals for the purpose of selling or providing our products and services

    • For conducting surveys and monitoring related to our products and services

    • For marketing activities related to our products and services

    • For other cases where it is necessary to provide information about our products and services

  2. Regarding Personal Information of Shareholders and Investors

    • For exercising rights and fulfilling obligations based on laws

    • For shareholder management based on laws

    • For providing information and conducting surveys related to IR activities for shareholders and investors

  3. Regarding Personal Information of Business Partners

    • For necessary business communications and negotiations

    • For information management and financial processing

  4. Regarding Personal Information of Job Applicants

    • For communication, information provision, and investigation related to recruitment activities

  5. Regarding Personal Information for Public Relations Activities

    • For providing information as part of public relations activities

  6. Regarding Personal Information for Environmental Conservation Activities

    • For providing information and conducting surveys related to CSR and environmental conservation activities

Contact Information

For requests for disclosure of personal information currently held by the Company and inquiries about the handling of personal information, please follow the procedures below. Please note that in the case of requests not covered by this procedure, we may not be able to respond.

  1. Procedures for Disclosure of Personal Information Please send by mail to the address below. We will confirm that the requester is the individual or their representative, and once confirmed, we will respond by sending written documents or in a manner agreed upon by the customer and the Company. Please be aware that the postage will be borne by the individual, and it may take some time to process.

  2. Address 5216-10 Oso, Komaki-shi, Aichi 485-0802, Japan Nalanda Publishing Co., Ltd. Phone Number: 080-3430-1521 Reception Hours: Weekdays, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

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